Tips for Being a Successful Sports Investor

1. Think Long-Term

Approach sports betting as a long-term investment, not a get rich quick scheme. Realistic expectations and discipline are crucial to success as a sports investor.

2. Accept the Bad with the Good

Accept up front there will be good days and bad days. Nobody is immune to this!

3. Remove Emotions

Always bet with your head, not your heart. Avoid betting on your favorite teams. Being emotionally involved clouds judgement and can result in poor decisions.

4. Stay Disciplined

Stay patient and focused on your long-term goals. Sports investing is a marathon, not a sprint.

5. Be a Good Student

Base your picks on research, statistics and trends, not personal “gut” feelings or loyalty to a team. Knowledge is power, and increases your chances of success.

6. Be Selective

Don’t be an action junkie. Focus on well-researched picks where you believe you have a real edge.

7. Only Risk What You Can Afford to Lose

Maintaining disciplined bankroll management strategies is critical. It is important to be prepared for ups and downs and avoid making impulsive decisions.

8. Don’t Chase Losses

Self-control is key. Resist the urge to make bigger bets to try to recover past losses. Chasing can lead to a vicious cycle that often results in substantial losses.

9. Value Historically-Proven Trends

Historical trends and systems are great indicators of current value. Many of the most successful trends and systems may not be available to the public, and only through places like Stilch. Serious sports investors use historically-proven trends to help in their decision-making process.

10. Turn to the Real Experts

Handicapping is very time consuming and trying to balance it with every day life can be challenging, even stressful. Start with the sports you enjoy most and build from there. Find a professional like Stilch who has been successful long-term. Demand full transparency and professionalism.

11. Know When to Stop

If sports investing is having a negative affect on your life, STOP immediately and seek help.